Alleluia, He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
God blessed Egypt with Joseph’s faithful and wise stewardship of food during both the seven years of plenty and the seven years of famine. Yet, a Pharaoh later came to power who neither acknowledged God’s providence nor provision through His chosen people and abused them with tyranny and slavery. However, God watched over and heard the cries of His people, selecting Moses to lead them out from under the slavery and oppression of Pharaoh, a self-proclaimed god, and into the freedom and worship of the one true God. This false god would relinquish neither his hold nor claim on God’s people even after His first born was struck down by God. God remained committed even when His people were unfaithful to Him and slandered His chosen leader, leading them out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, through forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and giving them the land He promised Abraham.
Our exodus through suffering, affliction and temptation in this veil of sorrow is a present reality. It will become a historic fact when we breath our last, commend our spirits into God’s hands, and are welcomed into our promised eternal peace and rest. Until then, God promises to sustain, strengthen, safeguard, and comfort us with His means of grace He provides within His one holy, Christian, and apostolic Church while the spiritual battle rages for our souls. His promises remain steadfast and trustworthy even as we struggle with doubts and fears. His promises remain unchanging and immoveable even when we fail to remember and keep our promises to Him in the heat of our struggle against our flesh, the fallen world and the attacks of the evil one
My brothers and sisters, the Israelite exodus from slavery and bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land is history, proving God fulfilled His promises even when His chosen people broke their promises under the strain of God’s trial and afflictions and Satan’s temptations. Jesus’ exodus through suffering, affliction, temptation, and death to His resurrection and ascension is history, proving God fulfills all His redemptive promises in Christ. Our exodus is a present reality played out upon His path of righteousness that leads us through this veil of tears, through trials and afflictions, through the evil one’s plots and schemes, proving God’s promises are immutable and personal for His children. Thus, God’s promises are concurrently a historical fact, a present reality, and a future certainty. Rejoice, Jesus is the solid rock upon which all God’s promises rest. Rejoice, your, my, and the salvation of mankind rests upon neither the shifting sands of human reason or strength nor our faulty and failing human promises.
Alleluia, He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!